Nellie Hakhverdyan | Dalimed Medical Center
Nellie Hakhverdyan
Nellie Hakhverdyan
Tel: +374 55 077077
2012 -2018 Yerevan State Medical University named after Heratsi, Faculty of General Medicine, Bachelor's and Master's degrees
2018-2020  Yerevan State Medical University named after Heratsi, clinical residency, radiology.

Professional activity
2023 - until now at the Medical Center “Dalimed”, sonographer.
From September 2022 to the present, <<MC Pulse Med>>, sonographer
From November 2021 to November 2023: c. Abovyan, Medical Center “Surb Mariam”, sonographer.

2022 -  Duplex examination of blood vessels (Hospital Complex No. 1 named after Heratsi)
2023- February 13-17 Basics of ultrasound diagnostics of knee joint pathologies (School of Radiology)
2023 - Basics of ultrasound examination of joints. (MC of St. Gregory the Illuminator)
2023 - Basics of ultrasound diagnosis of shoulder joint pathologies (School of Radiology)
2024  - Basics of ultrasound examination of joints. (MC Nairi)

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