Anna Mkhitaryan | Dalimed Medical Center
Anna Mkhitaryan
Anna Mkhitaryan
Tel: +374 55 077077
2009-2016: MD Faculty of General Medicine, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia
2016-2019:  residency in pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics No. 1, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia 
2019-2023:  PhD Student , Department of Pediatrics No. 1, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia

Professional  history  and  work  experience
Since  26.12.2018 till now – pediatrician, Emergencydepartment, Muratsan University Hospital, Yerevan, Armenia
01.03.2023 till now – Dalimed Medical, pediatrician Center
09.2023 till now - teacher of the clinical residency program in pediatrics in Armenia
01.02.2024 – Assistant, Department of Pediatrics No. 1, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia

Conferences and seminars
2014 - Medical Practice, University Hospital No. 1 in Poznan, Department of Radiology, Poznan, Poland
2016 - Seminar on practical skills of pharmacy and pharmacy services, Alfa-Pharm, Yerevan, Armenia
2016 - “Basic level of molecular diagnosis of allergy” under the auspices of the International Network of Universities of Molecular Allergology and Immunology and the Medical University of Vienna, Yerevan, Armenia
2016 - Medicine of the future. universal approach to problems, international conference, Yerevan, Armenia
2016 -  Satellite Symposium on Pediatrics, American-Austrian Foundation, Yerevan, Armenia
2017 - Current problems of the university conference on pediatrics, Yerevan, Armenia
2017 - Science Week 2017, Yerevan, Armenia
2018 - 20th International Congress of Pediatricians of the Russian Federation “Modern problems of pediatrics”, Moscow, RF
2018 - Advanced training courses, Ryhov Hospital, Jönköping, Sweden
2018 - 6th National Conference of Pediatricians of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2019– Neurological problems in pediatrics, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia
2019 – Seminar on pediatric gastroenterology, speaker, Salzburg, Austria
2019 - 5th World Congress of Pediatrics, speaker, Berlin, Germany
2019 - 7th Family Medicine Conference, Yerevan, Armenia
2022 - Pediatrics and geriatrics, two “giants” of medicine, current problems and solutions (speaker), Yerevan, Armenia
2022 - Modern problems of pediatrics, international scientific conference, Yerevan, Armenia
2022 - 20th International Conference of the Armenian Ophthalmology Project Charitable Foundation and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Yerevan, Armenia
2023 – Pediatric School 2023, Yerevan, Armenia
2023 – 6th International Medical Congress of Armenia (speaker), Yerevan, Armenia
2023 - 7th World Congress of Pediatrics, speaker, Paris, France
2023-21st International Conference of the Armenian Ophthalmology Project Charitable Foundation and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles (speaker), Yerevan, Armenia

Social activity
2016-2017 - Participation in television programs as a pediatrician. “Mothers’ Club”, Yerevan, Armenia
2022-2023- Pediatric blog

Printing works
Bagdasaryan N.G., Mnatsakanyan N.R., Papyan S.K., Mkhitaryan A.A. “Comparative characteristics of anemia in children with various diseases admitted to the pediatric department in January-June 2016,” Materials of the Russian Scientific Forum of Students and Young Scientists of the “Scientific University” – 2017: 2.
Ayvazyan G.S., Mnatsakanyan N.R., Avetisyan L.A., Grigoryan M.E., Grigoryan A.M., Mkhitaryan A.A., Gevorkyan N.V., Bagdasaryan N.G. “Vitamin D status in young children hospitalized with pneumonia”, Issues of theoretical and clinical medicine, Scientific Journal, Volume 21, N3 (120), 2018, ISSN 1829-2968
Mkhitaryan A.A., Ayvazyan G.S., Bagdasaryan N.G., Mnatsakanyan N.R., Grigoryan A.M., Gevorkyan N.V. “Importance of Vitamin D in Hospitalized Children with Pneumonia,” World Summit on Pediatrics Abstract, 5th edition, 2019 (9), WSP-OP003.
Mkhitaryan A.A., Simonyan K.H., Chopikyan A.S. “Predictive factors for recurrent wheezing in young children,” Armenian Journal of Health and Medical Science, Supplement, No. 1/Vol. 3/2023, ISSN 2738-2737.

2015-2016: Volunteer of the foundation "Gift a life"
2017 till now - Member of the Armenian Association of Children's Doctors (AACD).
2018-2020: Member of the European Pediatric Neurological Society (EPNS).
2019 till now – Member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
2020 till now - Member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
2022 till now - Member of the European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP).

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