Dermatology service | Dalimed Medical Center
Dermatology service
There is a dermatological service in "Dalimed" medical center.
The center performs the following interventions: removal of warts, papillomas, molluscs and other benign neoplasms by cryotherapy (cold nitrogen).
Dermatology service
List of diseases for which you should consult a dermatologist:
   • Atopic dermatitis
   • Seborrheic dermatitis
   • Acne
   • Rosacea
   • Psoriasis
   • Parapsoriasis
   • Vitiligo
   • Melasma
   • Keratoderma
   • Impetigo
   • Nail diseases: fungal disease, onychodystrophy, etc.
   • Different types of hair loss: focal, androgenic, telogen, etc.
   • Different lichen: pityriasis (versicolor) lichen, red flat lichen, pink lichen and others.
Dermatology service

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